Accreditation and Certification

The Green Hydrogen Standard approach to accreditation and certification has three stages:

1. Early-stage commitment and support

Green hydrogen project operators are invited to work with GH2 from the earliest stages of project development. Project operators are invited to commit to the GH2 Principles and confirm their intention to seek GH2 accreditation and certification. GH2 provides project developers with tools that can be used throughout early-stage concept and pre-feasibility work in consultation with stakeholders and host communities prior to final government approvals and final investment decision. Early commitment to the Green Hydrogen Standard can also be useful in marketing and negotiating offtake agreements. The first stage is purposefully low cost and “light touch”, focussed on maximising the efficacy, efficiency and development potential of green hydrogen projects, and the early identification and amelioration of any environment, social and governance risks.

2. Independent appraisal of Green Hydrogen Projects

Project operators seeking GH2 accreditation should undertake the necessary preparatory work to demonstrate their project’s adherence to the Green Hydrogen Standard as outlined in chapter 2. 

Project operators engage an Independent Assurance Provider (at their own cost) to assess adherence to the Green Hydrogen Standard in accordance with standardised terms of reference available from GH2. The IAP should have access to the necessary documentation, with appropriate protocols to address confidentiality. GH2 should be notified at the commencement of the assessment. 

IAPs are required to undertake assurance audits in accordance with the requirements of ISAE3000, ISO 14064-3 or an equivalent standard approved by GH2. IAPs are required to have appropriate assurance management systems in place to meet the requirements of ISQM 1 and ISQM 2, ISO 14065, or an equivalent standard approved by GH2. These requirements do not prevent GH2 establishing a Scheme in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17029 either directly or in partnership with an existing Accreditation Body.

The Independent Assurance Provider consults stakeholders and prepares an assessment. A draft report is made available for public comment. The final report from the Independent Assurance Provider is then submitted to GH2’s Accreditation and Certification Body. Projects that meet the Standard will be licensed to use the label “GH2 Green Hydrogen” and will be eligible to obtain and trade GH2 certificates of origin (see below). The decision from the Accreditation and Certification Body will indicate any issues that require close attention during the implementation of the project and specify a timeframe for a review of the project’s accreditation (especially where the project involves staged development). Projects that do not meet the standard may be re-submitted.

The Accreditation and Certification Body will also conduct risk-based spot checks and thematic reviews of GH2 accredited projects. 

By 30 June 2022 the GH2 Board will issue Policy Notes addressing:

  • Terms of Reference for the GH2 Accreditation and Certification Body

  • Procedure for the appointment of Independent Assurance Providers (IAPs)

  • Standard terms of Reference for the engagement of Independent Assurance Providers (IAPs).

3. Accreditation of Green Hydrogen Projects and Certification of Green Hydrogen Production

The final report from the Independent Assurance Provider is submitted to GH2’s Accreditation and Certification Body. Projects that meet the Standard are licensed to use the label “GH2 Green Hydrogen” and will be eligible to obtain and trade GH2 certificates of origin. Projects that do not meet the standard may be re-submitted. The GH2 Registry will track the issuance, transfers and cancellation of GH2 Certificates.

By 31 December 2022, GH2 will issue Policy Notes addressing the procedures and the Terms of Reference for the establishment of the GH2 Registry.


Step 1.

Green Hydrogen Project Development

The project developer ensures compliance with the GH2 Standard.


Step 2.

Independent Assurance

The project developer engages in Independent Assurance Provider accredited by GH2.


Step 3.

Consultation and public comment

The Independent Assurance Provider consults stakeholders and prepares an assessment. A draft report is made available for public comment.


Step 4.

Green Hydrogen Project Accreditation

The final report is submitted to GH2’s Accreditation Body.


Projects that meet the Standard are licensed to use the label “GH2 Green Hydrogen” and will be eligible to obtain and trade GH2 certificates of origin.


Step 5.

Green Hydrogen Production Certification

The GH2 Registry issues, tracks and cancels GH2 Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin certificates.


Step 6.

Review and Renewal

Accreditation is reviewed annually. The Accreditation body undertakes spot checks and may recommend refinements to the Standard.