

Step 1.

Green Hydrogen Project Development

The project developer ensures compliance with the GH2 Standard.


Step 2.

Independent Assurance

The project developer engages in Independent Assurance Provider accredited by GH2.


Step 3.

Consultation and public comment

The Independent Assurance Provider consults stakeholders and prepares an assessment. A draft report is made available for public comment.


Step 4.

Green Hydrogen Project Accreditation

The final report is submitted to GH2’s Accreditation Body.


Projects that meet the Standard are licensed to use the label “GH2 Green Hydrogen” and will be eligible to obtain and trade GH2 certificates of origin.


Step 5.

Green Hydrogen Production Certification

The GH2 Registry issues, tracks and cancels GH2 Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin certificates.


Step 6.

Review and Renewal

Accreditation is reviewed annually. The Accreditation body undertakes spot checks and may recommend refinements to the Standard.